Adding to your Task List

  • Select the ‘Add new task’ button underneath the My Task List table.

  • A pop-up will appear which will ask you to fill in the following details.

    • Description – Thet title of the task you are assigning. This will be displayed in the task column on the table.
    • Deadline – The date your task should be completed by.
    • Link – This is optional but here you can enter a URL. This will be displayed in the links column on the table.
    • Comment – Another optional data field. Allows you to add further detail. For example, ‘Watch this webinar from 30 minutes in’. Displays when hovering over the initial's icon in the assigned by column on the table.

  • Once you have included all the above details click “add to my task list” button at the bottom of the form.
This then will take you back to your Task List and your new assigned task for you to do will be now showing in Upcoming column.