You will need to be logged into your school manager account.
- Once logged in Click on ‘Admin’ shown on the landing page at the top to the left of your profile icon.
- To the left of the page, select ‘Manage Policies’
You will now see the below detail this is the front detail of your Policy Manager access.
For quick view and to search for a specific policy you can do this by various methods,
You can search for a specific policy by typing in the name or word reference which will then show all relevant policies relating to your search.
In the example below we have searched ‘test’
If you want to see the progress of your current policies you have within your Manage Policies by status, you can use the Filter option on this page highlighted below
Status filters
In Progress - This status will display when a policy has started to be created, but the policy has not been published. This status can be displayed on both statutory and good-practice documents.
Migrating - School managers can use this to migrate existing policies from other formats into the system. The migration flow tracks approval and reading status but doesn’t trigger tasks.
Awaiting approval - This status will display when a policy has been published but there are members of the approval team that are yet to approve the policy. Won’t ever display if no approval team was formed whilst creating the policy.
Assign readers – Assign readers – This refers to Trust pre-approved policy has been sent to an individual school which then a school has to assign Reading Team.
Awaiting reading - This status will display when a policy has been published and approved by the approval team, but there are outstanding members of the reading team who are yet to read the policy.
To review - This status will display when the review date that was set when the policy was created has been met. It lets the user know they need to review the policy.
Complete - This status will display when a policy has been published, and all approvers and readers have approved or read the policy. This will also display if no approvers or readers were ever assigned.
To be created - This status will display on our statutory policy placeholders that are yet to be created by the school manager
Sub categories filter
You can also use the sub categories listed on the top of the full list of all stored policies shown below, you can click the up or down arrow which will put all the documents in either alphabetical or date order pending on the sub category chosen.
You can also use the filters on the individual pieces of information relating to policies, you can only use these filters one at a time, if a another is clicked this will remove the previous search selection.