How do I generate my reports on Compliance Management?

Creating your reports

Through Compliance Management you have easy access to download clear reporting on all your policies, to track progress per policy and individual level.

You will need to be logged into your school manager account.

  • Once logged in Click on ‘Admin’ shown on the landing page at the top to the left of your profile icon.
  • To the left of the page, select ‘Manage Policies’

Individual User Reporting

Select the option highlighted below Reader Overview

 You will now be offered the below options, from here you can either select individual users or export the full user list

Full user list - click the option below highlighted Export 

 On selecting Export , this will now download a CSV file to an excel document, the detail which will be downloaded will confirm each user by name , the school , job title and how many assigned documents and what is done and to be done.

In this example you can see User – Test A has been assigned ten documents, and one has been completed. 

 Individual user list – you will need to go via Reader Overview

 From here you can select individual users
This screen will then give you an overview which will include the users’ details included email, school address, current policies assigned, current percentage of the policies read, and list of all policies by name assigned.

 You can also download this information by selecting Export Progress option on this page this will now download a CSV file to an excel document and include all detail shown through the platform