Once logged on to your profile, you will see your main task bar which is where you will be able to search and locate your required learning material.
From here you can select how to search by either the phase, category, your role or even by type.
To search by one of these hover over the down arrow to the right which subject list, and all filters under each subject will be listed then select the one applicable to your requirements.
On selecting your first subject and filter the below page will be shown offering all -relevant material from your first selection, you then can use the additional filters to the left of the listed material to find specific material.You will also be able to search for a certain type of material i.e. it’s a webinar, this can be done by the filter shown below the search bar, just click the icon as required.
You can also use the search bar to search for a key word if you’re looking for something in particular.
Or you can simply slick ‘Library’ from the top headers takes you to our full catalogue of content, and as above use the filters to the left of screen to locate the material needed.