How to Create Learning Plan/Assign training to staff

For setting up user groups and assigning & recommending courses to groups.

How To Create Learning Plan

  • Log into your school manager account
  • Click on ‘Admin’ shown on the landing page at the top to the right of your profile icon
  • Click on Manage CPD , and select Learning Plan
  • This is where you will be able view learning plan reports, edit, duplicate, send all staff reminders to complete, and delete.
  • To create a new Learning plan, click on ‘Add Learning Plan’
  • Enter a name for your Learning Plan, this is what you’re Learning Plan will be called.
  • If you are setting a Learning Plan up for more than one user, you will need to create a user group – to do this please see here: How to Create User Groups
  • Select the user or user group that you would like to assign this Learning Plan to.
    (You can only assign a Learning Plan to an individual user or a user group.)
  • Select the academic year for this Learning Plan, and the deadline date for completion.
  • Tick ‘Show on your dashboard’ if you’d like this Learning Plan to show on your CPD Dashboard to report on later.
  • Tick ‘Enable impact review reports’ if you’d like your staff to set learning goals based off the content in this Learning Plan, and to reflect on these goals later. If you tick this option, you’ll be asked to set an ‘Impact Review Report Length’. This is the length of time between your staff setting their goals, and then later being asked to reflect on their progress.
  • If you are adding multiple pieces of content to your Learning Plan, we would recommend pressing 'Save as draft' adding all your content and then pressing publish - this way your users will only receive one email to alert them of their Learning Plan)
  • Then once you’ve added all content to your newly created Learning Plan, click ‘Publish'
  • Once published, if you do wish to add additional content into your Learning Plan you can do this clicking the ‘Add to Learning Plan’ button on the main page of the content you wish to add. Then select the Learning plan it needs to be allocated to.
  • Your staff can access their Learning Plan at any time by clicking on ‘To do’ and from the main toolbar next to the user’s profile icon, and scrolling down the To DO page