How to resend invitations to my staff?

  • Log into your school manager account
  • Click on ‘Admin’ shown on the landing page at the top to the right of your profile icon
  • On the left menu, please press Reports and then User Report
  • Under the four progress charts you can search for your user by name in the search bar or you can filter your search down the user group and even Academic Year
  • If you user has not logged in before, you can send them an invitation email, by selecting the action Actions icon at the end of the user details and then Send Reminder
  • You can also press 'Bulk Send Reminder' which will send an invitation email to all users who have not yet logged in.

Please note, that you do not need to press Bulk Send Reminder per school as a school group manager, this will send to all users across the trust who have not yet logged in.