Locating My Task List

Task List is for you to be able to track any tasks that you have assigned to yourself or by a School Manager/School Group Manager.

This is located on your home page once you are logged in, scroll down the page and shown as ‘My Task List,’

Task list shown as a table and is divided into the below categories.

  • Overdue – Tasks that have a deadline date that has ceased.
  • Upcoming – This will contain any incomplete tasks assigned to you that have a deadline date in the future.
  • Done – Displays all tasks that you have deemed completed. Only a maximum of five will display but you do have the option to see the rest via the ‘Show all’ button below.

  • Your Task List is broken down into the following columns.
    • Task – The name of the task that has been assigned.
    • Links – A non-mandatory field but contains hyperlinks to whatever you wish. Whether this be a piece of content on our site or something external.
    • Deadline – This will contain the date the task is due to be completed by.
    • Assigned by – This field will contain a circular icon with the initials of who has assigned the task to you. Whether this is yourself or someone else. If a comment has been added, then an ellipsis will display on the icon. To view the comment, you just must hover over the ellipses.
    • Status – will either have a blank square or a green tick in this field. If the square is blank, then you can select this to change the status of a task.
    • Edit – The edit icon will only appear if you have assigned the task. Allows you to edit all details of a task.
    • Delete – Also only appears if you have assigned the task. Allows you to delete the task from your task list.