The Video Is Not Playing

Please make sure you have clicked on the webinar or course, and clicked on the 'Start Learning' button to begin the video.

If your video is still not playing, or you're seeing a blank screen with a cross in the top right corner, please try the following fixes:

Mobile Phones: If you are using a mobile phone, make sure to turn your device horizontally to landscape mode to start playing the videos.

Clear your Cookies/Cache: If you're using Google Chrome, click on the three dots in the top right corner and choose 'Settings'. Then, navigate to 'Privacy and Security' and select 'Clear Browsing Data'. Make sure to choose 'Cookies' and clear data for the past 7 days. After closing Chrome completely and reopening, you should be able to start playing your video.

Check your browser: Our video courses and webinars are best supported by browsers like Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and recent versions of Edge. It is recommended to avoid using Internet Explorer 11.0 for the best viewing experience.

Check your internet connection: Ensure that you are using a device with a stable internet connection and give the video some time to load if your connection is slow.

Try on another device: It's possible that the problem is with your device. To troubleshoot, try accessing the content on a different device, such as a smartphone, to see if this resolves the issue.

Are you connected to the school network? If you're attempting to view our courses while at school, it's possible that the videos are being blocked by your school's filtering system. To ensure access, please confirm that your school has not restricted access to our website or any of the following hosting sites where our video content is located.

Please note that all of our sessions are pre recorded- so refreshing the page, or leaving to try again on another browser or device will not result in you missing any of the course or webinar.