Viewing Tasks, I’ve assigned



Only School Managers and School Group Managers have access and can assign tasks to other school employees. This function also allows School Manager or School Group Managers to track tasks that need to be completed.

  • The Task List table has the same layout, the only difference you will have the Tasks I've Assigned toggle
  • Another key difference is that four radial circles are displayed above the table, giving you a better visibility view of the tasks you have assigned. They display the following data.
  • Assigned tasks – the total number of tasks you have assigned
  • Completed tasks – the total amount of tasks completed by those you have assigned tasks to.
  • Pending tasks – Any tasks that are outstanding where the deadline date has not been reached.
  • Overdue tasks – Any tasks that have passed their deadline.

  • You can also assign tasks to employees in this area by pressing the ‘Assign new task’ button. The pop-up will ask for the same details as the pop-up in  my tasks area.
  • The pop-up will ask for the same details as the pop-up in my tasks area. Once you have entered the task details and click ‘Assign to users tasks list’, two columns will appear. This is where you can select users/user groups to assign the task to. You can search for both at the top of the columns and then select multiple options which will be highlighted upon selection. Selecting that user/user group will then deselect. When you have entered the details and selected your users/user groups select add to task list.

  • The task will now appear on all the relevant employees task list.