Why can't my staff see the Learning Plan I've allocated to them?

If you are a school manager, and staff are reporting being unable to see the Learning Plan you've allocated to them, there may be a few reasons for this:

Is the Learning Plan published? 

  • Log into your school manager account
  • Click on ‘Admin’ shown on the landing page at the top to the right of your profile icon
  • From here go into the filter on left of screen called Manage CPD and then choose Learning Plan
  • Any draft Learning Plan will show a cross in the 'Published' column, and these will not be visible to staff.
  • To make your Learning Plan visible to staff, please click on Actions and Edit to edit the Learning Plan, and then click 'publish' at the bottom of the page.

Has any Content been added to the watchlist? 

  • Log into your school manager account
  • Click on ‘Admin’ shown on the landing page at the top to the right of your profile icon
  • From here go into the filter on left of screen called Manage CPD and then choose Learning Plan
  • Search for your Learning Plan and press Actions and Edit, toggle to the Content tab and see if there is content in here.

Have you assigned the watch list to the correct person / user group? 

  • Log into your school manager account
  • Click on ‘Admin’ shown on the landing page at the top to the right of your profile icon
  • From here go into the filter on left of screen called Manage CPD and then choose Learning Plan
  • You'll be able to see who your Learning Plan is assigned to in the 'Assigned To' column.

Is the staff member who is unable to see the watch list looking in the correct place? 

  • To view their Learning Plan, staff need to log into their account and select ‘To do’ which is to the left of their initials/profile picture in the top right of the website.
  • From this page ta staff member will be able to see what they are currently working on, what has been assigned or they have assigned in there ‘My Task List’ and further down the page there ‘My Learning Plan’


Is the staff member who is unable to see the Learning Plan in the user group you've assigned the list to? 

  • Log into your school manager account
  • Click on ‘Admin’ shown on the landing page at the top to the right of your profile icon
  • From here go into the filter on left of screen called Manage CPD and then choose Manage User Groups
  • Once you have located the User Group hoover over Action and Edit to see if the user is in the box on the right, called ‘user in group’.