How do I create a Good Practice policy?

Only school managers and school group managers can access and or create a policy through the Policy Manager feature.

To create a policy this can be done in two ways depending on the type of policy you wish to create.

Statutory Policy
The statutory policy create tool allows you to construct policies for your school. Statutory policies have been pre-populated based on your school type, you can also download and edit the up-to-date templates provided or upload your school's existing template.

Good Practice Policy
The policy upload tool allows you to add policies for your school that are outside of the statutory remit. You can choose a template from our library of up-to-date policies, or you can create your own custom policy using your school's existing template.

Creating a Good Practice Policy

This is where you will go to create a good practice document. A good practice document is anything that is not DFE Statutory.

You will need to be logged into your school manager account.

  • Once logged in Click on ‘Admin’ shown on the landing page at the top to the left of your profile icon.
  • To the left of the page, select ‘Manage Policies’

    From here if you want to create a Good Practice policy you need to select the ‘+ Add new policy’ option which is shown as an option below and highlighted

     On selecting + Add new policy you will now be taken to the below screen to complete, from here you can either select to use saved template or create a customer policy 

    You need to fill in all details as shown

    Choose File – this is where you select the policy which you wish to upload. This could be on your own machine or on a server you have access to.

    Document name - please insert the name of your policy. This will be auto populated with the name of policy if you have you selected one from the Policy List page.

    Review date - This is the date that the policy will need to be reviewed. For example, a review date could be a month, 6 months, or any date in the future.

    Reader CPD Hours / Minutes – Please add in how long you expect this Policy to take to read.

    Who will be responsible for the document
    – The creator of the policy will automatically be the responsible person unless otherwise stated. You can add up to three more people if required. 

    From this page you have the option to include a Reading Team - The purpose of creating the reading team is so that as school manager you can assign members of staff to read a policy to stay compliant. Creating a reading team is not mandatory for a policy but most will have a reading team assigned. If you wish to include a reading team or person just select this by ticking this as shown below.

     Once all the above fields are complete you will now be able to save your uploaded policy by selecting the Save and Continue at the bottom of this page 

     The next page is where you will now select and assign users to be the Approval Team for this policy.

    Approval Team – these are users who will be assigned to approve or decline the document. Your approval team tends to be your governors and/or SLT – the people who would check your policy over and suggest any amendments before it gets sent to the reading team. The selected users will have a task created into their “Task List” via there To Do page and will be emailed to confirm a document has been created.

    From here, you will be able to allocate your users and user groups available.

    To filter by groups already available and created, click the drop-down arrow. This will show all the user groups already created within your admin area.

    If you wish to assign to specific person/s, you can search the name of the user in the search bar.

    To select the individual users, you wish to be included in the Approval Team select each one and move across from left to right using the blue arrows*.

    *Please note, the single blue arrow will move one person at a time, the double will move all staff within the list.

    If you wish to add a user group, select the group using Filter by groups option. This will include all users included in this group.